Job Market Analysis with Power BI
2 min read

Job Market Analysis with Power BI

We will be working for an employer recruiting firm, called DataSearch, to find insights into market trends of jobs in data science. Recruiters, also known as headhunters, perform employment recruiting services for both companies and those looking to gain employment. We'll be tasked to use a dataset of job postings to find trends in top data science jobs along with associated skills.


For this case study, we will be using a fictitious dataset that is comprised of job postings over the past 5 years for the data science industry. Each entry in the table of this dataset correlates to a specific job posting in time, which has 19 attributes or columns for each posting.

One important disclaimer on this dataset is that because it's fictitious, please don't apply any insights gained during this case study into the real world.

Explore, clean and transform the data in Power Query

Data Analysis & Visualisation

EDA questions to focus on the key insights :

  • Is there a minimum expected experience level for certain roles or skills ?
  • What are top-skills needed for entry level data analysts/data scientists ?
  • What industries have the most competitive salaries ?
  • Are certain companies targeting particular types, experiences or skills ?

Calculations using DAX :

Creating measures using DAX

Key findings :

  • Jobs postings are increasing in number.
  • Data analysts, data scientists and data engineers are in demand.
  • Salaries are trending upwards as expected.
  • Tech industries need data science roles the most.

With the exception of a couple of brief periods of decline in job postings in 2020; overall, job postings for data science roles are rising in demand, which is a very good thing for DataSearch.

Next, is that of the 5 jobs to investigate, Data Engineers, Scientists, and Analysts are some of the most needed jobs. We will want to focus on these jobs in our upcoming analysis to maximize our efforts.

Finally, we noted that technology industries are requesting data science positions the most and that these roles all have competitive salaries that are rising with demand. We'll need to dive more into these industries and companies in the upcoming analysis.

Final Deliverables

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